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Giving to Makerere University

Donating and giving to support Makerere University initiatives.

Giving to Makerere University aims to support Mak's initiatives, students, empower groundbreaking research, advancing solutions to societal challenges (campus/student life, environment, community) to mention but a few. Your donation/gift to Mak has a positive impact, no matter what you choose to support.

Makerere University Alumni

Current Initiatives

Rebuilding the Ivory Tower

Please join our efforts in trying to restore this monument to its former glory. You can donate or give towards this cause by using the donation options below.

Direct Bank Transfer

You can also perform direct bank transfer to Stanbic Bank

Account Name: Rebuild Makerere University Main Building Project
Accounts: USD: 9030017778608
Accounts: UGX: 9030017778535

Mobile Money Payments

MTN MoMo Pay Merchant Code: 542803

Makerere Ivory tower after Fire Incident