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1. Background Africa is a continent of opportunity, with the youngest population on the planet. While ‘talent is equally distributed opportunity is not’. In sub-Saharan Africa, the gross enrolment ratio in higher education reached only 9% in 2020 (compared to 40% worldwide), and the gender parity index showed that 70 women for every 100 men […]
1. Background By 2050, the African youth population is estimated to reach 1.1 billion (1 in 10 of all people on the planet)1. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are mandated to impart skills to the youth that are relevant to the employment market. However, not all youth are able to join the HEIs due to various […]
Dear Graduate of MAKERERE UNIVERSITY School of Engineering 2010-2021, Makerere University is undertaking a study regarding your employment status, further studies and or any other activities you are undertaking since your degree award at Makerere University. The information you provide helps us to improve the quality of teaching and learning, assessing the competitiveness of graduates […]
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