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History teaching and learning is perceived by many to be boring. This according to students is because history is often presented in such a way that students have to memorize names, dates, and events. Others argue that it is not relevant anymore. But scholars have argued that people who think that history is irrelevant aren’t […]
The role that digital education plays and might continue to play in providing access to higher education throughout sub-Saharan Africa is both promising and perilous. No single approach to digital education will effectively scale in the manner intended and will potentially exacerbate the marginalization that these groups experience. What does scale, however, are the multiplier […]
Project Coordinators: Assoc. Professor Paul Birevu Muyinda, PhD Assoc. Professor Justine Namaalwa, PhD Funder: Mastercard Foundation Project Governance: The project shall be governed by the Makerere University Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program Steering Committee chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic affairs. The day-to-day implementation shall be done by the Project Implementation Team comprising of staff […]
The staff of CEES on May 6, 2022 witnessed a change of guards as the outgoing Deputy Principal, Prof. Paul Muyinda Birevu handed over office to Prof. Ronald Bisaso.  The ceremony also saw Dr. Godfrey Mayende handover the Directorship of the Institute of Open, Distance and E-learning (IoDEL) to Prof. Muyinda.  While welcoming them, the […]
A crisis is a terrible thing to waste, were the parting words of Prof. Doyin Coker-Kolo, during her lecture on Leadership in times of Crisis; Building a campus culture of Resilient Thinking. Prof. Doyin called on leaders to ensure that they emerge victorious after the crisis. She said it is during a crisis that we […]
Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi, on February 11, 2022, handed over the office of Principal College of Education and External Studies (CEES) after serving for 9 years. Prof. Masagazi handed over office to Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga at a ceremony attended by Deans, HoDs, Directors and Human Resources Directorate representatives and officials from Internal Audit. Prof […]
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