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The US Ambassador to Uganda, H.E. Natalie E. Brown, on Thursday 7th July, 2022 flagged off a team of Fulbright research fellowship awardees at an event held at the American Centre in Kabalagala. The three Makerere University academic staff include: Dr. Brian Semujju (Department of Journalism and Communication), Dr. Daniel Kizza (Department of Livestock and Industrial […]
Announcement Dear researchers, health workers, policy makers, students and members of the Makerere University as well as the public/civil society, On behalf of the Makerere University College of Health Sciences, I take this opportunity to invite and welcome you to the 16th Joint Annual Scientific Health (JASH) Conference 2022, scheduled to take place for 3 […]
Prioritising the preparation and training of our people for the 21st century, India has committed 15,000 scholarships to students and professionals in Africa by providing opportunities in online education. These include, short-term courses, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and continued medical education. The scholarship will cover the tuition fees to attend an Indian university that will […]
In partnership with Amity University (AUUP), Makerere University (College of Computing and Information Sciences-CoCIS) has been offering e-Learning courses (Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s and Post-graduate certificates) for the last over 10 years under the Pan African e-network project on behalf of the Uganda government, Indian government and African union. Now under a new Partnership M.O.U since […]
Welcome to this issue of the Makerere University School of Law quarterly newsletter In this issue we share highlights of events and activities in the School from January to April 2022. We appreciate our staff and students for the commendable work and contributions that enable us to produce this newsletter. We also would like to […]
Dear staff, students and partners, Regardless of the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the start of the year 2022 has been fruitful for the CHUSS. We have made tangible progress towards the achievement of our goals and hosted a number of activities to commemorate the 100 years of Makerere University service to humanity. On […]
The CEES Newsletter highlights the events and activities that took place in the College during the months of January to March 2022.
The CoBAMS Newsletter highlights the events and activities that took place in the College during the months of January to March 2022.
Through different communication channels like this newsletter, our website emails, social media, workshops, and progress review sessions, THRiVE has repeatedly notified her stakeholders regarding the imminent end of our DELTAS – 1 grant funding in July 2022. At all levels, we must avoid late and incomplete submissions of required documents from both the prime grantee […]
Makerere University recruited the first Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) Cohort 2021 in December 2020 and subsequently launched the program in June, 2021 with six (6) senior public servants nominated from the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development,  Ministry of Water and Environment,  the National Planning Authority (NPA) and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). This first […]
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