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On August 22, the Entrepreneurship Centre at the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), Makerere University, organized a tutorial session to help students refine their business pitching skills. This initiative is part of the center’s broader commitment to fostering entrepreneurial talent among students by providing practical training and exposure to global best practices. During […]
Instead of taking jobs away from people, artificial intelligence is meant to broaden people’s perspectives and stimulate the production of new content. By automating repetitive and mundane tasks, artificial intelligence allows individuals to focus on more creative and complex aspects of their work. This shift can lead to increased innovation and the exploration of new […]
Government has been advised to create a fund to support Small and Medium Enterprises to implement symbiotic practices, which they say will foster sustainable development.  Dr. Saadat Kimuli Nakyejwe, the principal investigator, and Dr. Kasimu Sendawula from Makerere University Business School and the College of Business and Management Sciences at Makerere University, respectively, argued that if […]
Staff of the School of Business converged for a staff retreat to discuss the strategic direction of the School. The Staff led by the Dean Prof. Godfrey Akileng discussed the need to develop new Masters programs in subject areas such as procurement and human resources among others. The school also agreed to improve research output […]
Research has established that there are huge variations in women-owned enterprise representation in the Sub-Saharan Africa. According to Prof Morgan Hardy and Gisella Kagy, Business researchers of women-owned enterprise representation estimate that there are gender gaps in enterprise performance. Their research was conducted from 43 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa using empirical data from available data […]
Renowned Corporate Governance Consultant Japheth Katto has advised businesses to ensure their entities are run on the principles of corporate governance if they are to grow and make profit. Corporate Governance, he said, is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals as well as between individual and communal goals. Quoting Sir Adrian Cadbury, Katto said the […]
On Thursday 29th September 2022, happened a research dissemination workshop at St. Joseph’s Inn Virika-Fort Portal that presented a policy debrief on social media technology as a feasible strategy in catalyzing Sustainable growth of small businesses in Uganda. A case study of Mbale and Fort portal by Makerere University’s Business Management expert and Lecturer Dr. […]
PROVISION OF TRAINING SERVICES TO THE PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE COMMERCIAL AQUACULTURE IN UGANDA (PESCA) PROJECT ADVERT FOR SHORT COURSES TRAINING IN AQUACULTURE A. BACKGROUND The Department of Zoology, Entomology, and Fisheries Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University was awarded a contract under the European Union-funded PESCA project implemented by Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry […]
By Bernard Buteera The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, has urged fresh graduates of Makerere University and other universities to embrace soft skills alongside the knowledge they acquired during their undergraduate training. Prof. Nawangwe said this in a speech read for him by Prof. Gorettie Nabanoga Nsubuga, the Principal, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences […]
Commercialization of New Sorghum and Millet Products for Improved Nutrition and Socio-Economic Gains in Eastern Africa (CONSORMIP)  Sorghum and millet are key crops in Uganda’s agricultural food systems and directly and indirectly support over 10 million livelihoods in the country.  The two crops are tolerant to arid and dry environments. They are highly nutritious, not […]
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