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PhD student position available to develop his/her thesis within the SUPPORT project (funded by EDCTP3): action ‘Supporting the next generation of African researchers on preventing HIV pediatric mortality through a training network‘, a highly multidisciplinary, international and competitive training program in pediatrics research RESEARCH PROJECT: EVALUATE THE USE OF AI DEVICES TO MONITOR EARLY SIGNS […]
PhD student position available to develop his/her thesis within the SUPPORT project (funded by EDCTP3): action ‘Supporting the next generation of African researchers on preventing HIV pediatric mortality through a training network’, a highly multidisciplinary, international and competitive training program in pediatrics research. RESEARCH PROJECT: EVALUATION OF THE ACCURACY OF A NEW “SEVERITY BIOMARKER” TO […]
Charles Ssemugabo (cohort 9, Makerere University) successfully defended his PhD thesis titled ‘Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables: Exposure and Health Risks Among Consumers from Farm to Fork in Kampala Metropolitan Area in Uganda’ on August 30, 2023. Charles is set to graduate in January 2024. Source: CARTA Newsletter Issue 69
We are delighted to announce two exceptional opportunities under the “Digital Mobile Technologies to Study Tuberculosis”: A Multi-Disciplinary training program sponsored by the Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, USA. This program is organized in collaboration with The University of Georgia, College of Public Health and the Global Health Institute in Athens, Georgia, United […]
Programme Summary From the University’s annual budget allocation FY 2022/23, the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT) supports the doctoral candidates on the verge of finalizing their thesis/dissertation, who have no other source of funding for the requested period. The Completion Grant programme is intended to help candidates make significant progress towards the completion […]
Dr. Caroline Adoch was awarded a Doctor of Laws (LL.D) yesterday, Monday 23rd May, 2022 during the first day of Makerere University’s 72nd Graduation Ceremony. Dr. Adoch became the first female to be awarded a Doctor of Laws (LL.D) of Makerere University in the institution’s100 year history. Her doctoral thesis was titled ‘Access to Gender […]
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