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The Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) is seeking applicants for the fifth cohort of the AAP African Futures Research Leadership Program. This competitive visiting scholar program supports early career researchers from the AAP consortium to work for one year under the mentorship of faculty members from MSU and their home institution, focusing on building skills in research […]
The Institute of Open, Distance and e-Learning (IODeL) has bid farewell to one of its longest serving academics, Dr.  Samuel Ndeda Siminyu. This was at a colorful luncheon on March 27, 2024.  Spiced up with music, dance, food, drinks, jokes, laughter, and nostalgic speeches, the party was attended by the institute’s staff, friends, and colleagues […]
By Bernard Buteera On Saturday 3rd September 2023, the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University held its 2nd edition of the Annual Community Open Day. The event took place at the Freedom Square, Makerere University. The Community Open Day is an annual event that brings together all Scholars, Alumni, Staff, Mentors, and Partners of […]
Godwin Anywar (cohort 6 graduate, Makerere University) was promoted to a Lecturer position at Makerere University on August 1, 2023. He has been serving as an Assistant Lecturer at the same institution since 2016. Within the month, he was selected to be a Mentor for the Science Advice Skills Development Program (SASDP-2) of the International […]
By Bernard Buteera Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Makerere University has launched an annual event dubbed the ‘The Scholars Program Community Open Day’, that will bring together all key Stakeholders in order to foster relationships and sense of belonging to the Scholars Program. The inaugural event was held on Saturday 30th July 2022, at Makerere […]
This is an extremely exciting moment as we celebrate the Community and Public engagement in research-related activities discussed in this Newsletter. They were carried out by students from different schools in partnership with THRiVE researchers. THRiVE stands for “Training Health Researchers in Vocational Excellence”. The institutions in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and the United Kingdom participating […]
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