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Prof. Edward Bbaale on January 16, 2023 handed over Deanship of the School of Economics to Prof. Ibrahim Okumu Mike. This follows Prof. Bbaale’s appointment as the Director of the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training (DRGT). The handover was witnessed by members of staff, the College Human Resources Officer, a representative from the Internal […]
The outgoing Head of the Department of Population Studies, Dr. Stephen Ojiambo Wandera on July 1, 2022 handed over office to Dr. Patricia Ndugga, after serving for over 3 years. Dr. Wandera took over the headship in February 2019.  During his handover, Dr. Wandera thanked the management of the College of Business and Management Sciences […]
The outgoing Head of the Department of Adult and Community Education (DACE) in the School of Distance and Lifelong Learning (SoDLL), Dr. Willy Ngaka on June 30, 2022 handed over office to the incoming acting head Dr. Rahman Sanya. The Principal, Prof. Muwagga Mugagga, thanked Dr. Ngaka for his service and dedication to the Department. […]
The staff of CEES on May 6, 2022 witnessed a change of guards as the outgoing Deputy Principal, Prof. Paul Muyinda Birevu handed over office to Prof. Ronald Bisaso.  The ceremony also saw Dr. Godfrey Mayende handover the Directorship of the Institute of Open, Distance and E-learning (IoDEL) to Prof. Muyinda.  While welcoming them, the […]
The outgoing Deputy Principal, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Prof. Fredrick Jones Muyodi has today, 7th March 2022 handed over to the Principal, Dr Tumps Winston Ireeta. Prof. Muyodi has served as Deputy Principal, CoNAS for four years and eight months starting July 2017 to January 2022. Presenting his handover report, Prof. Muyodi highlighted some […]
The new Principal, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University, Dr. Gorettie N. Nabanoga delivered her inaugural speech to the College community on Friday, 4th March 2022. During the event held in the Biology Laboratory at the School of Agricultural Sciences, CAES, the Principal acknowledged the transformative leadership of the outgoing Principal, Prof. […]
Makerere University Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma appointed Dr. Gorettie N. Nabanoga as the next Principal of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University effective 1st February 2022. She is the first female Principal of CAES and will hold the position for a period of four years as stipulated in the Universities and […]
Prof. Fred Masagazi Masaazi, on February 11, 2022, handed over the office of Principal College of Education and External Studies (CEES) after serving for 9 years. Prof. Masagazi handed over office to Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga at a ceremony attended by Deans, HoDs, Directors and Human Resources Directorate representatives and officials from Internal Audit. Prof […]
The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB) has a new Principal.  Prof. Norbert Frank Mwine replaces Prof. John David Kabasa who has been at the helm of the College since 2014. The College witnessed the hand over yesterday Wednesday 9th February during an event held in the Centre for Biosecurity and Global […]
The outgoing Principal College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Prof. J.Y.T. Mugisha has today, 8th February 2022 handed over to the new Principal, Dr Tumps Winston Ireeta. The handover ceremony held in the Seminar Room at JICA was witnessed by, among others, the Representative of the Director Human Resources, Mr. Mujuni Tayari Deus; the Representative of […]
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