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Overview Climate change presents significant challenges for urban environments, impacting livelihoods, infrastructure, and general well-being. Cities in East Africa face significant climate challenges including increased temperatures, extreme heat, erratic and extreme rainfall, and flooding which threaten and undermine overall resilience of urban communities.  In Kampala, for example, the impacts of climate change are manifested in […]
I am delighted to present to you the School of Law bi-annual report for the first half of 2023. The report provides a highlight of the major activities undertaken and outputs registered during the reporting period. There has been good progress registered towards achieving the School’s mission and strategic objectives. With respect to teaching and […]
Uganda’s senior public servants in the water sector and the academia from Makerere University have been skilled on Urban Water observatories. The half day training held at Makerere University on 5th April, 2023  was facilitated by Dr. David Fuente from the University of South Carolina USA. Dr. Fuente was at Makerere University to kick off […]
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