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In light of recent findings from a comprehensive study on the effects of digitalization on youth employment, scholars, including Dr. Matovu Fred, the Principal Investigator, are calling for a significant expansion of the private sector to address the rising unemployment rates among educated youth. The research, which delves into how the youth in Uganda are […]
The Institute of Open, Distance and e-Learning (IODeL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Makerere University is organizing the 3rd TELLS Conference on Future Education 2024 due to take place from 6th to 8th August, 2024 on the theme: “Future Ready Education: Technologies and Strategies for learning communities.” The organizing committee hereby invites abstracts […]
The Year 2023, has been a memorable one in the life of the College of Education and External Studies. The college has made a number of salient achievements, notwithstanding the challenges which when solved made us stand high as a prime graduate teacher training facility in the region and Uganda in particular. This year’ s […]
Government through the Ministry of Education and Sports has been called upon to find ways of popularizing the subject of art and crafts in lower and higher secondary education. Prof. Anthony Muggaga, the Principal of the College of Education and External Studies at Makerere University, said yesterday that the government should explore measures including making […]
The association of Kiswahili speakers in Uganda through their umbrella body, CHAKITAU, have asked the government to pass a directive making the language compulsory in schools and higher institutions. CHAKITAU is a Swahili word which stands for Chama Cha Kiswahili Cha Taifa Cha Uganda. The members said if Kiswahili is integrated in teaching and learning […]
On 7th March 2024, Makerere University hosted the second edition of the French Study and Campus Fair under the theme: unlocking opportunities in the vibrant world of French education and employment. The one-day event was organized by the French Embassy in Uganda, in conjunction with Makerere University as the host. The event that was structured […]
Over 600 students of Makerere University Centre for Lifelong Learning and Makerere University Jinja Campus have graduated with diplomas and Certificates from the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB). Speaking during the graduation ceremony on Feb 3, 2024, at Makerere University Yusuf Lule Auditorium, Prof. Anthony Muwagga Mugagga, the Principal of the College of […]
Over 500 students have received certificates following a 3 months training in vocational skills. The training was conducted by the Department of Adult and Continuing Education at Makerere University’s College of Education and External studies with support from Love Binti International. The Adult Education Graduates were tipped on honesty in the employment and job creation […]
By Bernard Buteera On Saturday 2nd December 2023, all roads led to Achukudu Community Primary School in Napak District, Karamoja sub-region, as the Scholars and Alumni of Mastercard Foundation at Makerere University commemorated their Scholars’ Annual Day of Community Service (Giveback). The 2023 Scholars Annual Day of Community Service was held at Achukudu Community Primary […]
On 16th November 2023, national and international stakeholders participated in the kick off workshop hosted at Makerere University to further consolidate various schools of thought aimed at producing a holistic and relevant graduate student equipped with practical skills, research and problem solving abilities aligned to Sustainable Development Goals. The blended kick off workshop, which brought […]
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