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PROVISION OF TRAINING SERVICES TO THE PESCA (PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE COMMERCIAL AQUACULTURE IN UGANDA) PROJECT A. BACKGROUND The Department of Zoology, Entomology, and Fisheries Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University, was awarded a contract under the European Union-funded project: Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture (PESCA) for the provision of training services. The overall objective […]
RUFORUM Webinar Series / Public Consultation On the working document of the African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) Innovation Agenda launched during the 6th EU-AU Summit in February. Thursday 5th May 2022 15-16:30hrs EAT Meeting Link The AU-EU Innovation Agenda is an ambitious unprecedented initiative aiming to translate Research & Innovation endeavours into tangible […]
The InnoFoodAfrica project in full “Locally driven co-development of plant based value chains towards more sustainable African food systems with healthier diets and export potential” is exploring climate-smart African crops (cereal-pulse-root crop-fruit) in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda. In Uganda the project is focusing on banana, millet, cowpeas, and amaranth. The project is developing […]
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