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Government through the Ministry of Education and Sports has been called upon to find ways of popularizing the subject of art and crafts in lower and higher secondary education. Prof. Anthony Muggaga, the Principal of the College of Education and External Studies at Makerere University, said yesterday that the government should explore measures including making […]
Makerere University Journal of Research and Innovations in Teacher Education (RITE) is now accepting submissions for its special issue to be published in August 2024. RITE Journal covers a wide range of topics within teacher education, including but not limited to: Journal Information: Author Information: For submission guidelines, please visit the Author Information page: […]
During the teachers’ retreat at the State House in 2017, President Museveni promised to increase the salaries of Science teachers. However, his directive was only implemented in 2021. The 300 percent pay rise resulted in a graduate and Grade V teachers’ pay increase to Shs4 million and Shs3m, up from Shs1.1million and Shs796,000 respectively. This […]
Science is of great importance nationally and internationally for sustainable and socio-economic development as well as for technological advancement. Knowledge of science and technology is therefore a requirement in all countries and needed by all people globally due to numerous challenges that are facing us. These challenges include emergence of new drug resistant diseases, effects […]
A team of researchers from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES), who have been undertaking intervention research in an effort to instill Entrepreneurial skill among secondary school children on 10th August 2022 shared the results following a successful implementation period.  The project, titled Imparting Entrepreneurship skills in Universal Secondary Education Learners through Student […]
With the increase in unemployment in the country, there is need to create jobs among the youth hence the need to acquire entrepreneurship skills.  Entrepreneurship accelerates economic growth by creating new products and services, it stimulates new employment which ultimately results in the acceleration of economic development. It is to this end that a team […]
This is an extremely exciting moment as we celebrate the Community and Public engagement in research-related activities discussed in this Newsletter. They were carried out by students from different schools in partnership with THRiVE researchers. THRiVE stands for “Training Health Researchers in Vocational Excellence”. The institutions in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and the United Kingdom participating […]
Even in the turbulent periods when most of us were home trying to hide away from Covid 19, Makerere University researchers at the Department of Humanities and Language Education of the College of Education and External studies (CEES) were busy patrolling communities to further understand what Ugandans think of current learning and teaching methods and […]
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