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Project Title: Enhance Tobacco Control Institutional Capacity in Africa; Grant #339 Introduction: The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) received funding from the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) for the 2024-2026 to implement a project on institutional capacity. The project investments are geared towards sustaining human resource capacity and knowledge generation to reduce use […]
The Livestock and Industrial Resources (LIR) Department at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB) conducted a career guidance session for finalist students of the Bachelor of Bachelor of Animal Production Technology and Management (BAPT) and Bachelor of Industrial Livestock and Business (BILB). The session held in the Centre for Biosecurity and […]
Makerere University, through the Department of Environmental Management, and the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Climatic Sciences, and in collaboration with the universities, Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen of Denmark, is implementing a DANIDA funded project ‘Agroforestry for People, Ecosystems and Climate (AfPEC) (2024 – 2029), ( AfPEC aims to document the potential of […]
Status of Uganda’s Dairy Production Dairy farming is a major activity in the southwestern, central, and northeastern parts of the country, with the sector contributing significantly to the economic, nutritional, and employment opportunities of the rural communities in those areas. The dairy industry contributes 9% to Agriculture GDP and about 4% of the total GDP. […]
*****Funded by the Danish Fellowship Centre under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, the Project, Nature-based Solutions for Climate-Resilient Tea Production in Uganda (NbS4Tea), is envisaged to sustainably bridge the tea yield gap in Uganda by developing research-based NbS for enhanced climate resilience of tea production systems. Overview Tea is a widely consumed and one […]
Majority of the students flood the streets looking for jobs the moment they finish their studies at higher institutions of learning. However, the storyline might change after the introduction of hands on skills among the students currently undertaking their academic journey at Makerere University. Innovators from the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) in […]
The Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University through the Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG) has trained 30 students and members of the general public in solar photovoltaic installation and maintenance, biogas production, and solar thermal systems. The five-day hands-on training that started on 21st August 2023 has been conducted at the […]
The Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG) at the Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University, invites applications for a Training Workshop in Solar Photovoltaic Installation and Maintenance, Biogas Production and Solar Thermal Systems, which will be held at the Department from 21st to 25th August 2023. SCOPE OF TRAINING The training will […]
The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB) in Collaboration with Michigan State University has embarked on upscaling the use of the Black Soldier Fly Larvae as a source of insect protein for animal production. An awareness session was convened at the college on Monday 20th February 2023, attended by stakeholders that included […]
Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) represented by Dr. Patrick Musinguzi, a Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Production, hosted a satellite event of the 2nd African Conference on Precision Agriculture (AfCPA) from 7th to 9th December 2022, at Protea Hotel in Kampala, Uganda. AfCPA is a biennial event and an initiative […]
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