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Highly qualified applicants from all over the world are invited to apply for the PhD Program “Human River systems in the 21st century (HR21)”. The 15 positions are fully funded and the Doctoral Programme is providing additional resources for conference presentations, retreats etc. The 15 PhD research topics are: For more information, please visit: […]
Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) and the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) have launched the status summary report 2023; Road Risk Factors for Kampala, Uganda, in partnership with Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Vital Strategies. The report was launched at Hotel Africana in Kampala on January 16, 2024. It delineates […]
The Inclusive Green Economy program of the Environment for Development Initiative in Uganda on 17th November hosted stakeholders across the country’s sectors to get their perspectives on biomass transition to clean energy sources in Uganda. Uganda’s IGE engagement specialists Dr. Peter Babyenda says this is one of the work plan item on on social inclusion where stakeholders […]
Uganda’s senior public servants in the water sector and the academia from Makerere University have been skilled on Urban Water observatories. The half day training held at Makerere University on 5th April, 2023  was facilitated by Dr. David Fuente from the University of South Carolina USA. Dr. Fuente was at Makerere University to kick off […]
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University led by the Deputy Principal, Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze, organized and hosted the 2022 Landscape Ecology Summer School, held from 21st to 22nd July, 2022. The summer school was attended by participants from twenty (20) countries including: Uganda, Kenya, Congo – Kinshasa, Ghana, Nigeria, Germany, the US, […]
Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), represented by Dr. Richard Miiro, from the Department of Extension and Innovation Studies on 6th April 2022 commissioned an Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) Puree Processing Unit at Lishe Products Limited in Kasangati, Wakiso District. With support from BioInnovate Africa Programme Phase II Initiative, the College […]
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