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Affiliated Institutions

This section contains information about institutions affiliated to Makerere University.

Makerere University Business School

Makerere University Business School (MUBS) was established by Makerere University (Establishment of Constituent College) order 1997 as a constituent college of Makerere University (MUK). The School was created from a merger between the faculty of commerce (FOC) and the national college of business studies (NCBS). More about MUBS

Alokolum Seminary

Alokolum Major Seminary is an affiliated institution to Makerere University. The Seminary offers the same undergraduate programmes offered by Katigondo National Major Seminary

Ggaba Seminary

St.Mary’s National Major Seminary Ggaba, henceforth to be referred to as National Seminary Ggaba, has been an Affiliated Institution of Makerere University since 1989, offering a Bachelor of Divinity of Makerere University to qualifying candidates.

Katigodo Seminary

Katigondo National Major Seminary is affiliated to the Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts, Makerere University.

Kinyamasika Seminary

St. Paul’s National Major Seminary Kinyamasika

P.O. Box 39 Fort Portal, Uganda
Tel: +256-843 2550 
P.O. Box 7588, Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: +256-414-268150 Fax: +256-414-268149
E-mail: sainsambya[at]

Mbale School of Clinical Officers

The Mbale School of Clinical Officers is a Government founded institution established in 1958. The School's minimum entry requirement is the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE).

Mbale School of Clinical Officers
P.O.Box 1672 Mbale Uganda

Mulago Paramedical Schools

The Mulago Paramedical Schools are located within the Mulago Hospital Complex.

P.O. Box 34025
Tel: +256-414-541180/540544