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Here it is at last – the 72nd Doctoral Conferment Ceremony 2022. To the Graduands, Congratulations on your accomplishment. Today’s ceremony is both the destination you have been working toward and the launching pad for your future research careers. I am genuinely proud and delighted to report that you have worked so hard to hone […]
AMPAIRE AnneCareer Stereotypes and Aspiration as Predictors of Students’ Independence in Career Choice at Education Transitional Levels in Uganda Ms. AMPAIRE Anne examined the extent to which career stereotypes and aspirations predict students’ career choice at education transitional levels in Uganda. This was motivated by the continued challenges that impact on students’ independence in career […]
LWANYAGA Joseph DdumbaApplication of process technologies for improved salt production from Lake Katwe, Uganda Eng. LWANYAGA Joseph Ddumba designed a process that selectively extracts salt from the brines of Lake Katwe coupled with a techno-economic analysis to foster commercial exploitation of the Salt Lake. Through thermodynamic modelling, the study revealed that the mineral precipitation sequence […]
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