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Love Binti

The Year 2023, has been a memorable one in the life of the College of Education and External Studies. The college has made a number of salient achievements, notwithstanding the challenges which when solved made us stand high as a prime graduate teacher training facility in the region and Uganda in particular. This year’ s […]
Researchers at the College of Education and External Studies on January 13, 2024, launched a study on the Comprehensive Evaluation of Blended Learning (CEBL) among graduate students. The study, funded by the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), will this time take into consideration graduate teaching at Makerere University. While Makerere had had online […]
Over 500 students have received certificates following a 3 months training in vocational skills. The training was conducted by the Department of Adult and Continuing Education at Makerere University’s College of Education and External studies with support from Love Binti International. The Adult Education Graduates were tipped on honesty in the employment and job creation […]
Introduction: Saturday, September 30th, 2023 marked a significant milestone for the Love Binti Women Empowerment Project, which focuses on equipping communities with valuable fashion and design skills. The project, a collaborative effort between Love Binti International, an international NGO operating in Uganda, and Makerere University‘s College of Education and External Studies in the Department of […]
It was ululations and dancing as 417 students graduated with certificates at Makerere University under the Love Binti program. Of these, 415 were women. The university partnered with Love Binti International to offer certificate training to students that required the education. The students graduated from three different branches of Love Binti International, including; 177 from […]
Centre for Lifelong Learning, College of Education and External Studies with support from Love Binti International is set to start teaching a two-year National Certificate in Fashion and Garment Design that shall be examined under UBTEB. The Centre has received a consignment of Sawing machines and other apparatuses that shall be used for teaching the […]
The Center for Life-Long Learning, under the College of Education and External Studies has partnered with Love Binti International to see to the development of communities. The partnership, culminated into a conference themed “Learning Together, Conversations and Perspectives with NGO and Academic Institutions on achieving Sustainable Development” held at the college premises on Friday August 26, 2022. The head of the Centre for […]
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