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Students from Economics program at the College of Business and Management Sciences, Makerere University in conjunction with Research Fellows from Environment for Development (EfD), Makerere University, have today June 14, 2024 made a significant contribution to restoration of Uganda’s forest cover by donating 2,000 tree seedlings to Masaka DLG. The submission of the trees was […]
A team of researchers from Makerere University Centre for Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak  Center) on Friday 3rd May 2024 went to Parliament to share study findings on Uganda’s heavy reliance on fuel wood and charcoal to guide the country and, in particular Members of Parliament in their policy formulation. Research fellows Prof. Edward Bbaale, […]
Members of the academia and EfD research fellows on 25th April, 2024 held a co-creation workshop with representatives from government ministries, civil society organization and the private sector to generate a context-relevant Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs)-led model for supporting the transition to low-carbon ag-tech by smallholder farmers. The EfD in collaboration with Partnership […]
Environmental economists and graduate students from Makerere University held a meeting with government officials to identify research and data gaps to address the persistent environmental and natural resources (ENR) challenges in Uganda. The two-day researchers’ training organized by EfD Uganda was held at Esella Country Hotel in Kampala, on 14th and 15th March 2024, Local […]
In 2023, the Ugandan team comprising Dr. Peter Babyenda of Makerere University EfD-Mak Centre, Christine Mugyenyi and Rukundo Tom from the National Forest Authority went to Nepal to study the Community Forest Management Model. The study tour was funded by EfD Global Hub and the National forestry Authority Uganda. The study tour  was one of […]
Environmental Economists from Makerere University and stakeholders in environment and natural resources sectors have expressed the need for Uganda to establish a Green Fund to finance green initiatives. The dons have also proposed and re-echoed known initiatives that require mind-set change and government commitment to infrastructural developments that can reduce environmental pollution. Environmentalists also want […]
The Inclusive Green Economy program of the Environment for Development Initiative in Uganda on 17th November hosted stakeholders across the country’s sectors to get their perspectives on biomass transition to clean energy sources in Uganda. Uganda’s IGE engagement specialists Dr. Peter Babyenda says this is one of the work plan item on on social inclusion where stakeholders […]
A panel of external evaluators from the EfD Global Hub at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has consented to recommend the re-accreditation of the EfD-Mak Center Uganda for another five years.  Edwin Muchapondwa from the South African EfD centre at the University of Cape town, Precious Zikhali from Nairobi Kenya and Ted  Horbulyk  from Canada […]
Over 120 students under the School of Economics at the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) and the Environment for Development Project (EfD) have donated 800 umbrella tree seedlings to Kiboga District. While handing over the tree seedlings to Kiboga District officials at the district headquarters on Thursday (September 21, 2013), Dr. John Sseruyange, […]
Staff of the School of Business converged for a staff retreat to discuss the strategic direction of the School. The Staff led by the Dean Prof. Godfrey Akileng discussed the need to develop new Masters programs in subject areas such as procurement and human resources among others. The school also agreed to improve research output […]
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