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In a joint effort to foster equitable research partnerships and realise the sustainable development of Africa and Europe, universities and research organisations from all parts of Africa and Europe urge the African Union and the European Union to embrace a comprehensive, long-term vision for the Global Gateway’s AU-EU Innovation Agenda and pilot an integrated Africa-EU […]
It is with great pleasure that I present to you the second Annual Report of the Makerere University Biomedical Research Centre (MakBRC), which captures our performance for the year 2021-2022. The Centre is committed to demonstrating integrated thinking and value creation for our stakeholders, as well as sustainability for the future as we work towards […]
The Advisory Board for the Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak) Centre Uganda held is second annual meeting on 14th March 2023 to receive and review the centre progress and strategize how the center can assert its position to contribute to the university vision and Uganda’s National Development Plan. Top on the agenda was the need […]
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