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By Hasifa Kabejja & Dr. Robinson Odong Overview The fisheries sub-sector in Uganda is crucial, supporting over 5 million livelihoods and providing essential protein for up to 17 million people, with an average consumption of 10 kg per capita. Uganda’s population is projected to double in the next 27 years, prompting the National Development Plan […]
By Racheal Kanyi “Position yourself and make yourself visible and known for something”, this was among the many takeaway points for participants at the reflective workshop for the women leaders at Makerere University. The workshop held on the 13th June 2024 in the Auditorium at the Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility (CTF 2) was convened […]
Project Title: Enhance Tobacco Control Institutional Capacity in Africa; Grant #339 Introduction: The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) received funding from the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) for the 2024-2026 to implement a project on institutional capacity. The project investments are geared towards sustaining human resource capacity and knowledge generation to reduce use […]
In light of recent findings from a comprehensive study on the effects of digitalization on youth employment, scholars, including Dr. Matovu Fred, the Principal Investigator, are calling for a significant expansion of the private sector to address the rising unemployment rates among educated youth. The research, which delves into how the youth in Uganda are […]
A team of researchers from Makerere University Centre for Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak  Center) on Friday 3rd May 2024 went to Parliament to share study findings on Uganda’s heavy reliance on fuel wood and charcoal to guide the country and, in particular Members of Parliament in their policy formulation. Research fellows Prof. Edward Bbaale, […]
The Year 2023, has been a memorable one in the life of the College of Education and External Studies. The college has made a number of salient achievements, notwithstanding the challenges which when solved made us stand high as a prime graduate teacher training facility in the region and Uganda in particular. This year’ s […]
By Okeya John & Davidson Ndyabahika As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across Africa, it brought with it a wave of unprecedented challenges, impacting economies, social dynamics, and political structures. National healthcare systems were particularly strained, prompting governments to implement various strategies to combat the virus and its repercussions. Among these measures were the introduction of […]
Makerere University Journal of Research and Innovations in Teacher Education (RITE) is now accepting submissions for its special issue to be published in August 2024. RITE Journal covers a wide range of topics within teacher education, including but not limited to: Journal Information: Author Information: For submission guidelines, please visit the Author Information page: […]
Environmental economists and graduate students from Makerere University held a meeting with government officials to identify research and data gaps to address the persistent environmental and natural resources (ENR) challenges in Uganda. The two-day researchers’ training organized by EfD Uganda was held at Esella Country Hotel in Kampala, on 14th and 15th March 2024, Local […]
The Makerere University Grants Management System (MakGMS) was on Tuesday 12th March 2024 officially launched by the University Council at a ceremony presided over by the Chairperson, Finance, Planning, Administration and Investment Committee (FPAIC), Mr. Bruce Kabaasa. The hybrid ceremony held in the School of Food Technology, Nutrition and Bioengineering Conference Hall was graced by […]
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