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In a significant leap toward harnessing technology for national planning and development, Uganda is set to conduct a landmark digital census starting with 9th May 2024 as the Census reference night and the enumeration period scheduled for 10th-19th May 2024.  As specified in the Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD), the 2024 National Population and […]
The Institute of Open, Distance and e-Learning (IODeL), College of Education and External Studies (CEES), Makerere University is organizing the 3rd TELLS Conference on Future Education 2024 due to take place from 6th to 8th August, 2024 on the theme: “Future Ready Education: Technologies and Strategies for learning communities.” The organizing committee hereby invites abstracts […]
Members of the academia and EfD research fellows on 25th April, 2024 held a co-creation workshop with representatives from government ministries, civil society organization and the private sector to generate a context-relevant Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs)-led model for supporting the transition to low-carbon ag-tech by smallholder farmers. The EfD in collaboration with Partnership […]
****Through a project titled, “Adding value to agro/bio-waste through integrating technologies to enhance sustainable agro-process waste management in Uganda”, the researcher led by Dr Joseph Kyambadde from the Department of Biochemistry and Sports Science, have proposed a number of technologies that can be used to avert the challenge of poor waste management in the country. […]
We are delighted to announce two exceptional opportunities under the “Digital Mobile Technologies to Study Tuberculosis”: A Multi-Disciplinary training program sponsored by the Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, USA. This program is organized in collaboration with The University of Georgia, College of Public Health and the Global Health Institute in Athens, Georgia, United […]
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