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On August 29th, a team of researchers from the School of Economics at Makerere University held an Inception and Methodological Workshop to kick off their groundbreaking study titled “Supporting African Youth Entrepreneurs to Accelerate Just Transition to Clean Energy and Climate-Resilient Businesses.” The workshop, which marked the official launch of the project, was attended by […]
******Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project aims to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets. Experiences of Nakaseke District farmers Farmers in Nakaseke District are […]
Renowned Corporate Governance Consultant Japheth Katto has advised businesses to ensure their entities are run on the principles of corporate governance if they are to grow and make profit. Corporate Governance, he said, is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals as well as between individual and communal goals. Quoting Sir Adrian Cadbury, Katto said the […]
Commercialization of New Sorghum and Millet Products for Improved Nutrition and Socio-Economic Gains in Eastern Africa (CONSORMIP)  Sorghum and millet are key crops in Uganda’s agricultural food systems and directly and indirectly support over 10 million livelihoods in the country.  The two crops are tolerant to arid and dry environments. They are highly nutritious, not […]
Apply to receive up to US $50,000 in equity-free funding, mentorship and access to the world’s largest humanitarian organization. Last year, the United Nations World Food Programme launched its first regional innovation hub in Eastern Africa. Now, the hub is kicking off its flagship WFP IGNITE Food Systems Challenge in partnership with the USAID Bureau […]
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