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The inaugural edition of the Youth and Innovation Expo was a roaring success as over 300 innovators showcased their creations and thousands of guests walked through the doors of the Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium, as well as traversed the surrounding spaces on 6th and 7th October 2023. Organised by Makerere University in partnership […]
The Makerere University Youth and Innovation Expo 2023 that kicked-off on Friday, October 06 with the grand opening ceremony presided over by key persons in the country ended on Saturday, October 07, with student innovators exposed to the market and ushered into how they can commercialize their products. The two-day event attracted student- innovators from […]
HIGHLIGHTS: The two-day event will showcase of student innovations, exhibitions of Innovations turned enterprises from the Youth4Business program led by UNDP, and a very comprehensive, insightful, and engaging program curated performances from the school of Performing Arts and Film. The line-up of activities for the Expo include, exhibitions from all ten (10) colleges of the […]
On 25th April 2023, Makerere University in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and MTN Uganda officially launched the Youth and Innovation Expo 2023. The Youth and Innovation Expo 2023 will be held under the theme, “Fostering Innovation for Uganda’s Transformational Development,” in an effort to showcase outstanding youth innovations and youth enterprises. […]
MTN Uganda has today announced its commitment to support Makerere University’s centenary celebrations through a sponsorship worth UGX180million. The sponsorship by MTN will be dedicated towards supporting the events organized by Makerere University in celebration of 100 years of its existence which include an exhibition showcasing the journey of Makerere at 100. MTN’s support to […]
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