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Welcome to this edition of the CHUSS Bi-Annual Newsletter. The issue highlights major activities that have unfolded in the college between January and June 2024. It covers major thematic areas of Teaching and Learning, Human Resources, Knowledge transfer and partnerships. Assoc. Prof. Helen Nambalirwa NkabalaPRINCIPAL
On 22 – 23 May 2024, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Barnabas Nawangwe, joined the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) and African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Presidents’ Forum at their Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at Future Africa Campus, University of Pretoria, South Africa. WUN is a network of twenty-four (24) world-leading teaching and research-intensive universities across […]
Overview Creating equal opportunities for men and women as well as boys and girls has long been an important priority for Norwegian development assistance. The 2030 Agenda and its17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute the guiding frame for Norwegian development support. As such, the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Building in Higher Education and Research for […]
Background Following the complex and unprecedented challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, excellence in research and innovation has never been more vital. Makerere University and its partner public Universities are uniquely positioned to play an integral role in the economic and social recovery post-pandemic at a national, regional, and international level, and crucial to this […]
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