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I am delighted to present to you the Makerere University School of Law 2023 Annual report. The report highlights the major activities undertaken and the major outputs in light of our core mandate of teaching, research and community outreach. It also highlights the challenges the School is facing and future plans. With respect to teaching […]
The Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC), School of Law (SoL), Makerere University launched its report analysing transparency and accountability concerns over the management and oversight of Covid19 funds in Uganda; the report is a result of a one-year research initiative by the centre. Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa, Deputy Speaker of Parliament of Uganda was […]
I am pleased to present the Makerere University School of Law (SoL) Annual Report for 2022 which highlights some of our major activities and challenges. The report documents steps the School has taken to realise our vision and mission in light of Makerere University’s strategy of strengthening graduate training and becoming a research-led University. The […]
The Makerere University Council visited the School of Law (SoL) on Monday, 27th February 2023. Council members held a meeting with the School leadership including the Principal, Deputy Principal and Chairs of Departments. Mrs. Lorna Magara (Chairperson – Council) was accompanied by Hon. Dan Kidega (Vice Chairperson – Council), Mr. Edwin Karugire (Chairperson – Appointments […]
The School of Law (SoL) presented graduands on the first day of Makerere University’s 73rd Graduation Ceremony held on the 13th February 2023 at the Freedom Square, Makerere University.  A total of 249 graduands were presented by the School including (23) Master of Laws and (226) Bachelor of Laws.  Master of Laws were awarded to […]
Makerere University School of Law invites applications for admission to the Administrative Officers’ Law Short Course for the KAMPALA CENTRE that will run for two (2) months during the period (12th Sept. to Nov. 2022). The course will start on Monday 12th Sept.  2022 at the School of Law premises. Classes will be conducted from […]
The Makerere University School of Law (SoL) held the Inaugural Makerere Law Journal (MLJ) Symposium on 17th June 2022 under the theme, ‘Charting the Course and Diversifying Scholarly Content’. The symposium was held to give opportunity to authors of outstanding papers in recent issues of the MLJ to present their work to the general membership […]
On the 22nd June 2022, Professor Christopher Mbazira, Principal – Makerere University School of Law joined other Deans of Law Schools under the auspices of the East African Network of University Law Clinic (EANULAC) to discuss how to strengthen collaboration in the area of clinical methodology to teach law. Other Deans attending the meeting were […]
On the 18th June 2022, the School of Law (SoL) organized a farewell party to celebrate four long-serving staff. The four members including Professor Sylvia Tamale, Mr. Nyanja Musoke, Hon. Yusuf Nsibambi and Ms. Deborah Mpiima Kisolo had worked in different positions at the School for many years and were awarded with plaques for their […]
Welcome to this issue of the Makerere University School of Law quarterly newsletter In this issue we share highlights of events and activities in the School from January to April 2022. We appreciate our staff and students for the commendable work and contributions that enable us to produce this newsletter. We also would like to […]
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