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Makerere University’s vision for blended learning which was adopted during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, is on track, the Acting Vice Chancellor (VC) who doubles as the Deputy VC Prof Umar Kakumba has said. Prof Umar Kakumba said Makerere has already integrated Open, Distance and e-learning (ODeL) into the teaching and learning of students. He […]
The Health Professions Education and Training for Strengthening the Health System and Services in Uganda Project (HEPI-SHSSU) at Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) is organizing the Annual Health Professions Education Scientific Conference. Venue: Hotel Africana, Kampala, Uganda Conference Dates: 10th and 11th April 2024 Theme: Advances in Health Professions Education:  Research, Innovations in Teaching & Learning, Quality Assurance Sub-Themes […]
The College of Education and External Studies has today January 30, 2024, the 2nd day of the 74th graduation ceremony, graduated 1,019 students. At the same function, five of the college’s senior researchers received the Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Award 2023. The researchers, Prof. Paul Muyinda Birevu, Dr. Sekatawa Kenneth, Assoc. Prof. Jude Ssempebwa, Dr. […]
Researchers from Makerere University College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) through its Centre of Excellence in Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL) have conducted research in different aspects of teaching and learning  of Humanities and Social Sciences  at Makerere University. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in New York, the team is working […]
By Bernard Buteera In its quest to become a research-led university and in line with its vision 2030; a thought leader of knowledge generation for societal transformation and development, Makerere University is headed in the right direction. From 11th to 15th June 2023, Prof. Umar Kakumba, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, led a delegation […]
History teaching and learning is perceived by many to be boring. This according to students is because history is often presented in such a way that students have to memorize names, dates, and events. Others argue that it is not relevant anymore. But scholars have argued that people who think that history is irrelevant aren’t […]
In partnership with Amity University (AUUP), Makerere University (College of Computing and Information Sciences-CoCIS) has been offering e-Learning courses (Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s and Post-graduate certificates) for the last over 10 years under the Pan African e-network project on behalf of the Uganda government, Indian government and African union. Now under a new Partnership M.O.U since […]
Learners were found to be unsatisfied with Blended learning pedagogy Education is no longer just about putting pen to paper and memorizing facts. Today, innovative educators in higher education are improving learning through technology, as evidenced by the rapid adoption of technology-assisted teaching methods and blended learning (BL) models. Blended learning integrates technology and digital […]
Project Coordinators: Assoc. Professor Paul Birevu Muyinda, PhD Assoc. Professor Justine Namaalwa, PhD Funder: Mastercard Foundation Project Governance: The project shall be governed by the Makerere University Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program Steering Committee chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic affairs. The day-to-day implementation shall be done by the Project Implementation Team comprising of staff […]
Prioritising the preparation and training of our people for the 21st century, India has committed 15,000 scholarships to students and professionals in Africa by providing opportunities in online education. These include, short-term courses, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and continued medical education. The scholarship will cover the tuition fees to attend an Indian university that will […]
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