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Scholars from Makerere University, in partnership with researchers from Europe, have launched the Remaking of the Family in East Africa (FamiLEA) project, focusing on 2000 households in the Kampala Metropolitan Area. This 3-year research initiative, which began on July 1st, includes households in Kampala, Wakiso, and Mukono Districts and will continue until mid-2027. The FamiLEA […]
Staff members from the Department of Population Studies, within the School of Statistics and Planning at Makerere University, have successfully completed a comprehensive three-day training on Doctoral Supervision. The training, held from June 28 to June 30, 2024, was meticulously conducted by esteemed faculty from the College of Education and External Studies, alongside experts from […]
In a remarkable display of international collaboration, Makerere University Kampala, Uganda, recently hosted a dynamic workshop on multivariate statistics and time series analysis. This event, held from June 11 to June 20, 2024, brought together academic staff and students from Makerere‘s School of Statistics and Planning, alongside esteemed professors from the University of Padova, Italy. […]
In a significant leap toward harnessing technology for national planning and development, Uganda is set to conduct a landmark digital census starting with 9th May 2024 as the Census reference night and the enumeration period scheduled for 10th-19th May 2024.  As specified in the Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD), the 2024 National Population and […]
The Department of Population Studies (DPS) at the School of Statistics and Planning (SSP) is conducting a study on “The Remaking of the Family in East Africa (FamilEA)”. The main aim of the study is to map out the shifting family landscape of residents in Kampala Metropolitan (Kampala, Mukono, and Wakiso), including family networks based […]
Makerere University, College of Business and Management Sciences, School of Statistics and Planning (SSP), Department of Population Studies intends to undertake a project on “Dementia and Frailty among Older Persons in selected districts in Rural Eastern Uganda”. The study will be implemented in Busia and Namayingo districts of Eastern Uganda. The project seeks for a […]
1.0 Background Arising from an existing Memorandum of Understanding (September 2021) between University of Padova, Italy (UniPd) and Makerere University (Mak), the two institutions partnered and were jointly granted funding for the Erasmus+ KA171 international credit mobility for students and staff, 2022-2025. At Mak, the Departmental Flow Coordinator is Felix Wamono (PhD) and the project […]
To access treatment and care services at the Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI), patients spend on average 300,000 Uganda shillings on a single visit although some spend to as high as 800,000 (Figure 1). This was revealed by a study done by Makerere University in collaboration with the Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Research Administration (SICRA) and […]
People worldwide are living longer. Today most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond. Every country in the world is experiencing growth in both the size and the proportion of older persons in the population. The World Health Organization estimates that the world will have 1.4 billion old persons by 2030. Older […]
The outgoing Head of the Department of Population Studies, Dr. Stephen Ojiambo Wandera on July 1, 2022 handed over office to Dr. Patricia Ndugga, after serving for over 3 years. Dr. Wandera took over the headship in February 2019.  During his handover, Dr. Wandera thanked the management of the College of Business and Management Sciences […]
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