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Engineering, Art & Tech

The Department of Architecture and Physical Planning, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology successfully pulled off the second edition of the Fundis training during a two-day event held at the College on the 13th and 14th of April 2023. The Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, Prof Barnabas Nawangwe, was Chief guest at the event […]
Four second year Architecture students presented Artistic impressions of the designs of the University’s Western Gate to the members of the University management, Tuesday 28th March 2023 in the Council Room. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe commended the students for the effort and energy in undertaking the task.  He said this was one way […]
On Monday 27th March 2023, Swami Swaroopananda, the Global Head of the Chinmaya Mission delivered a public lecture to staff and students of Makerere University with the objective of creating mindset change. The Lecture held in Central Teaching Facility II was coordinated by the Dean Margaret School of Industrial and Fine Art (MTSIFA, College of Engineering, […]
On Friday the 17th of March, Makerere University through the Ministry of Academic Affairs held the open day for academic associations at the Freedom Square. The event was graced with multiple presentations from the different academic associations in the university alongside visits from students from secondary schools drawn from the region. The Makerere Engineering Society actively […]
A team from CEDAT led by the Dean School of Engineering Assoc. Prof. Dorothy Okello received the equipment on Tuesday 21st March 2023 at MTN head office.  The 390 items included 166 Monitors, 134 Desktops, 90 Laptops estimated to be worth Twenty Million Uganda Shillings. While receiving the equipment, the Dean highlighted some of the […]
PhD Fellows of Makerere University (PF@mak) invites all PhD and other graduate scholars of Makerere University to the annual doctoral convention slated for 23rd February 2023. The theme for this Convention is “Positioning Research for the attainment of National Development Agenda” Sub-themes are aligned with Uganda’s National Development Plan III. The goal of this Doctoral […]
The School of Engineering at the College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology on Wednesday 5th October 2022 hosted a team from the UNESCO China Funds –in -Trust project phase III.  The team was on a mission to assess progress made in the implementation of the project namely; Higher Technical Education in Africa for a […]
The CEDAT community is proud to share our congratulations to Vianney Andrew Yiga following his successful Ph.D. defense that happened yesterday Monday 3rd October 2022 at the College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology (CEDAT). His Thesis was titled; Thermal Stability of Fiber- Reinforced Polylactic Acid Composites for Flameretarded Applications. The candidate was supervised by […]
The Construction and Economics Department at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) is undertaking a study to explore the possibilities of mainstreaming Building Information Modelling (BIM) into the curricula. A study supported by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (MaKRIF) is conducted by a team led […]
Janet Goldner It was a pleasure to spend six weeks teaching in the Fine Art Department of Makerere University as a Fulbright Specialist. I want to thank Dr. Lilian Mary Nabulime and Mr. Edward Balaba for their vision for the project that brought me here, their faith in me, and their guidance during this successful […]
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