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Members of the academia and EfD research fellows on 25th April, 2024 held a co-creation workshop with representatives from government ministries, civil society organization and the private sector to generate a context-relevant Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs)-led model for supporting the transition to low-carbon ag-tech by smallholder farmers. The EfD in collaboration with Partnership […]
Makerere University has hosted this year’s Center for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) workshop that brings together scholars across the world. The workshop started on November 27and is expected to run up to November 30 at Makerere University Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility II (CTF). The Center has brought together economic scholars from Africa, […]
By Davidson Ndyabahika, Johanna Blomgren and Julius T. Mugaga Experts have urged urgent action to mitigate the health risks of climate change. The 2023 global conversation, on Climate Change and Health highlighted the need for transformational action in every sector to protect people’s health from climate change. Held on September 5, 2023 the virtual seminar, […]
Women in livestock farming in Uganda have been empowered and trained on vaccines access and proper administration for both animals and poultry.  This was during a project dubbed the Livestock Vaccine Innovation Fund (LVIF) undertaken to address the barriers faced by women in livestock vaccine systems in Uganda and generating new evidence on how women […]
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