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The Public Investment Management Centre of Excellence at Makerere University has launched a five-day intensive training program for over 30 public officers from various government agencies. This significant event is being held in Jinja, aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of public officers in effective investment management. The training program was officially opened on […]
A recent study by researchers at Makerere University’s College of Business and Management Sciences has identified the lack of a structured taxation framework for informal businesses as a significant cause of tax non-compliance among traders in Uganda. This revelation came from a collaborative research project involving eight university scholars, who examined the underlying factors contributing […]
Makerere University in collaboration with three partner companies have recognized and awarded best performing business graduates of the 74th graduation who were conferred with bachelors and Masters in January. The companies including Prudential Uganda, ACCA, and EPRC presented to graduates with cash prizes, mentorship and training opportunities in the companies. The recognizing and awarding ceremony […]
The Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC), School of Law, Makerere University invites excellent and motivated candidates for a doctoral position in climate policies and law. The position is part of the DANIDA funded research project titled: “Charcoal Conflict in Climate Change’s Decarbonisation Dilemmas: Knots of Livelihood, Nutrition, Communities, Gender, Migration and Energy in East […]
Renowned Corporate Governance Consultant Japheth Katto has advised businesses to ensure their entities are run on the principles of corporate governance if they are to grow and make profit. Corporate Governance, he said, is concerned with holding the balance between economic and social goals as well as between individual and communal goals. Quoting Sir Adrian Cadbury, Katto said the […]
A study conducted by researchers at the EfD Mak Center Uganda has shown that  Chapati vendors could only afford to use the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cook stoves at their households.  The study findings indicated that LPG cook stoves were more  costly for such small businesses. The study also revealed that Chapati vendors demonstrated considerable […]
Over 80 participants from the environment and natural resources sector including, senior civil servants, the academia, civil society organisation, members of the public and students converged at Makerere University to discuss and participate in a survey on opinions about policy instruments such as taxes, subsidies and bans. This stakeholder workshop held on 15th July 2022 […]
By Our Writer Ggoobi said a young Mutebile was conscious enough to comprehend Amin’s economic distortions and human rights violations, and risked to oppose them. Yet, like many budding economists of the time, Mutebile started as a socialist. He quickly mutated into a liberal thinker and went on to help Uganda to get rid of […]
On 26th October 2015, The Guardian run an article by Tom Kariuki with an alarming title, albeit with a promise. It read “Africa produces just 1.1% of global scientific knowledge – but change is coming”. Therein, Mr. Kariuki, the Director of the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science (ASEA) noted that his institution had been […]
By Wasswa Joel Since January 2022, there has been an abnormal increase in commodity across the world. For instance, in the United Kingdom, inflation was reported at 5.5% in February, a record rate since May 1992. In Uganda, most of the commodity prices increased, but most notably the prices of laundry bar soap, sugar, cooking […]
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