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The College of Computing and Information Sciences(CoCIS) is pleased to introduce to you the first biannual newsletter (January- June 2024). The issue highlights major achievements recorded in the period under review. We have made tangible progress towards the achievement of our goals. On behalf of the management of CoCIS, I thank you for your dedicated […]
The East Africa School of Library and Information Science (EASLIS) last week (18th – 19th June, 2024) held a two day Library & Information Science (LIS), and Records and Archives Management (RAM) Teaching Professionals Pedagogical Re-Orientation Workshop. The event held at Makerere University College of Computing and Information Sciences (Mak CoCIS), Block B attracted a […]
Hundreds of freshers admitted to programs in the College of Computing and Information Sciences turned up for orientation at a function that was presided over by Principal Professor Tonny Oyana in the Big Lab 2 in Block B on 24th August 2023. Three students won scholastic materials worth over UGX 100,000 in a quiz and orientation […]
Makerere University in collaboration with the Sub-Committee on Education and Research Working Group Africa (SCEaR-WGA) of UNESCO Memory of the World and Uganda National Commission for UNESCO (UNATCOM) organized hybrid a seminar on “Preventive Conservation and Disaster Reduction of Documentary Heritage in Africa”. Held from 4th to 5th July 2023 in the Yusuf Lule Auditorium, […]
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