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The College of Computing and Information Sciences(CoCIS) is pleased to introduce to you the first biannual newsletter (January- June 2024). The issue highlights major achievements recorded in the period under review. We have made tangible progress towards the achievement of our goals. On behalf of the management of CoCIS, I thank you for your dedicated […]
The Makerere University College of Health Sciences and Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), Research Training and mentorship to strengthen brain health program is a five-year project, funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH), National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and the Fogarty International Center (FIC). The Major goal is to strengthen brain health […]
661 graduands from the College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS) were on 31st January awarded degrees and diplomas in the different disciplines during the 3rd session of Mak 74th Graduation ceremony. Of that total, 626 graduates walked away with undergraduate (Bachelors degrees), 32 with  Masters Degrees, 2 with PhDs while 1 got a Post […]
Researchers from Makerere University College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS), led by a second-year PhD student Paddy Junior Asiimwe have designed a device to monitor elderly people with dementia and cognitive impairment in rural Uganda. The device, wearable by the elderly (on the hand like a wrist watch or placed in the pocket), will […]
Makerere University, College of Business and Management Sciences, School of Statistics and Planning (SSP), Department of Population Studies intends to undertake a project on “Dementia and Frailty among Older Persons in selected districts in Rural Eastern Uganda”. The study will be implemented in Busia and Namayingo districts of Eastern Uganda. The project seeks for a […]
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