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Actuarial Science

As the Actuarial Mega Conference 2024 unfolds at Makerere University‘s Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility, its impact resonates particularly powerfully among the students of actuarial science. Organized with precision by the Makerere Actuarial Society, this conference serves as a unique opportunity for students to gain valuable insights, connect with industry professionals, and deepen their understanding […]
1.0 Background Arising from an existing Memorandum of Understanding (September 2021) between University of Padova, Italy (UniPd) and Makerere University (Mak), the two institutions partnered and were jointly granted funding for the Erasmus+ KA171 international credit mobility for students and staff, 2022-2025. At Mak, the Departmental Flow Coordinator is Felix Wamono (PhD) and the project […]
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