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******Funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme, the main aim of the project was to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies to support the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa. Held at Makerere University, the meeting served as a platform to sensitize stakeholders on the different products […]
******Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project aims to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets. Experiences of Nakaseke District farmers Farmers in Nakaseke District are […]
A study whose results were recently published in Food Science Nutrition, a peer-reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of research in all areas of food science and nutrition has revealed that there is a growing preference for wholesome meals, highlighting its numerous health benefits. Titled; Lactating mothers’ perceptions and sensory acceptability of a provitamin A carotenoid–iron-rich composite dish […]
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