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Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore), situated in the central part of India in the state of Madhya Pradesh, is an institute of national importance established by the Ministry of Education, Government of India ( At present IIT Indore has 11 Departments and 13 Centers of Excellences in Science, Engineering and Humanities offering various […]
By Betty Nabisubi On Friday 12th April 2024, over 100 international students convened at Makerere University to participate in the Mental Health Awareness Campaign organized by the International Students Union in partnership with the Counselling and Guidance Centre, International Office and Office of the Dean of Students. The campaign, which included both physical and virtual […]
The TUM SEED Center for Sustainable Energies, Entrepreneurship, and Development at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is part of the long-term DAAD program “Exceed – Excellence Centers for Exchange and Development”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 2020-2024. The TUM SEED Center aims to contribute to sustainable development by offering […]
The Makerere University International Office has this morning, 19th February 2024 hosted a team of 12 students from Tottori University, Japan, who are on a 3-week exchange programme at Makerere University and specifically, the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) and the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB). While receiving the […]
On Thursday 21st September 2023, Ms. Pamela Chen visited Makerere University to create awareness and broader understanding of scholarship opportunities at the University of Cambridge. Ms. Chen is the Manager responsible for international recruitment in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America at the University of Cambridge. In a strategic meeting involving staff from the Makerere University International Office, Public Relations Office […]
1.0 Background Arising from an existing Memorandum of Understanding (September 2021) between University of Padova, Italy (UniPd) and Makerere University (Mak), the two institutions partnered and were jointly granted funding for the Erasmus+ KA171 international credit mobility for students and staff, 2022-2025. At Mak, the Departmental Flow Coordinator is Felix Wamono (PhD) and the project […]
By Kevin Githuku On Saturday, 25th February 2023, a section of the 73rd Makerere University’s international graduates celebrated their milestone at SS Hotel, in Makerere Kikoni. The event was graced by senior administrators from the University, alumni, recent graduates, student leaders among others, all from different nationalities. This came two weeks after Makerere University had […]
The three-day International Humanities  Conference organized by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) was on 23rd August 2022 opened with the Graduate Mentorship session, followed by  planting a  tree in honor of Makerere University Alumnus Prof. Ngungi Wa Thiong’o by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe At the Arts Quadrangle. Prof. Nawangwe […]
On Friday 25th February 2022, the Vice Chancellor Professor Barnabas Nawangwe represented by the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Professor Henry Alinaitwe welcomed international students to Makerere University in an afternoon ceremony held in the Senate Conference Hall. In attendance were the Dean of Students, Mrs. Winifred Kabumbuli, Ms. Martha Muwanguzi, Head of […]
On Wednesday 23rd February, 2022, Prof. Sylvia Tamale, School of Law, Makerere University was awarded the Feminist Theory and Gender Section (FTGS) 2022 Book Prize for her book titled “Decolonization and Afro-Feminism” (Daraja Press). Her book was nominated by Dr. Toni Haastrup and Dr. Yolande Bouka. The FTGS book committee found her book to be […]
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