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Project Title: Enhance Tobacco Control Institutional Capacity in Africa; Grant #339 Introduction: The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) received funding from the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) for the 2024-2026 to implement a project on institutional capacity. The project investments are geared towards sustaining human resource capacity and knowledge generation to reduce use […]
A recent study by researchers at Makerere University’s College of Business and Management Sciences has identified the lack of a structured taxation framework for informal businesses as a significant cause of tax non-compliance among traders in Uganda. This revelation came from a collaborative research project involving eight university scholars, who examined the underlying factors contributing […]
The Center for Life-Long Learning, under the College of Education and External Studies has partnered with Love Binti International to see to the development of communities. The partnership, culminated into a conference themed “Learning Together, Conversations and Perspectives with NGO and Academic Institutions on achieving Sustainable Development” held at the college premises on Friday August 26, 2022. The head of the Centre for […]
The Japanese Ambassador to Uganda His Excellency Fukuzawa Hidemoto has called on students of the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) to diversify their knowledge of trading if they are to contribute to the development of the country.  H.E. Hidemoto gave a public lecture to the students on 2nd March 2022 at the college where […]
Native chickens contribute significantly to the well-being of rural farming communities in low-income countries and particularly so in poverty-stricken regions of Mozambique and Uganda by providing protein and micronutrients. The majority of smallholder farmers raise native chickens for food and income as they do not require special management, require low investment, need limited pest control, […]
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