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Over 500 students have received certificates following a 3 months training in vocational skills. The training was conducted by the Department of Adult and Continuing Education at Makerere University’s College of Education and External studies with support from Love Binti International. The Adult Education Graduates were tipped on honesty in the employment and job creation […]
Makerere University in partnership with Promote Uganda Company Limited (PROUL) is set to establish an agro-processing skilling hub next year to expose students to agricultural machinery. The hub that will be based at Makerere University main campus in Kampala will house agricultural machines that add value to agricultural products. While unveiling the initiative on Thursday, […]
The College of Education and External Studies (CEES) has launched Kiswahili as one of the languages to be taught while instructing learners undertaking vocational skilling courses in government hubs distributed across the parts of Uganda.  This, the university says, will boost the market for the products they output. “Our target is to create market links […]
Seventeen (17) fisheries experts from the Uganda’s districts of Kampala, Mukono, Masaka. Wakiso  and Jinja have been retooled on the bio-economics of fisheries management . The two days training (15th-16th March 2023) held at Makerere University was facilitated by Africa’s and Ghanaian renowned Professor of environmental economist, Wisdom Akpalu. Prof. Wisdom was invited by the […]
On Thursday 29th September 2022, happened a research dissemination workshop at St. Joseph’s Inn Virika-Fort Portal that presented a policy debrief on social media technology as a feasible strategy in catalyzing Sustainable growth of small businesses in Uganda. A case study of Mbale and Fort portal by Makerere University’s Business Management expert and Lecturer Dr. […]
Inadequate curricula to stimulate innovativeness and entrepreneurship within learners and faculty and limited partnerships and collaborations are some of the major bottlenecks to innovativeness at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University.  The current programme design, sequencing and delivery inhibits critical thinking and innovation as it focuses more on theory than practice. […]
A team of researchers from the College of Education and External Studies (CEES), who have been undertaking intervention research in an effort to instill Entrepreneurial skill among secondary school children on 10th August 2022 shared the results following a successful implementation period.  The project, titled Imparting Entrepreneurship skills in Universal Secondary Education Learners through Student […]
68% of Uganda’s farming households are engaged in subsistence rain-fed agriculture that relies largely on home-saved seed of low quality resulting into low production. Farmers’ reliance on home-saved seed is caused by insufficient availability of affordable high quality seed and lack of trust in the certified seed available in the market. Certified seed contributes only […]
By Jacinta Nakaye African Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services and Development (AFRISA) is currently developing a SPEDA validation tool which will be used in the assessment of the Parish Development Model’s functionality. The implement which was launched on 16th May, 2022 in Kaberekeke village in Kachocha parish, Butebo District and Petete Parish in Budaka […]
Makerere University is committed to ensure the revamping of Buyana Stock Farm, the Vice Chancellor said recently during a tour of the facility. Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe led an entourage of staff that included the University Secretary, Mr. Yusuf Kiranda, officials from the Estates and Works Directorate, the Dean of Students Mrs. Winnifred Kabumbuli as well […]
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