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By Julius Tukacungurwa & Davidson Ndyabahika The first ever Harmonized Health Facility Assessment (HHFA) jointly conducted by MakSPH and the Ministry of Health (MoH) has illuminated significant advancements in Uganda’s healthcare landscape. This ground-breaking survey, which serves as a robust benchmark for evaluating health services across the country, offers a comprehensive overview of service availability […]
Epilepsy is a common, chronic, non-communicable disease of the brain which can affect any individual irrespective of age, race, sexual, social or geographical boundaries, and contributes approximately 0.5% to the total global burden of disease. The majority of affected individuals (>80%) live in low resource settings such as is found in Uganda, with the poor […]
Young people who experience violence during childhood are also likely to be employed in hazardous sectors or do hazardous work, a new Makerere University study has revealed. The study dubbed, “Promoting inclusion in decent work for young people: Will reducing violence help?” was conducted by  researchers from  Makerere University Department of Social work and social […]
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