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In a key gathering at College of Business and Management Sciences’ School of Economics, stakeholders from diverse sectors convened yesterday (June 20, 24) to envision the future of economic education in Uganda. The occasion centered around the unveiling of the proposed Bachelor of Science in Development Economics, a program poised to reshape how economic challenges […]
By Racheal Kanyi “Position yourself and make yourself visible and known for something”, this was among the many takeaway points for participants at the reflective workshop for the women leaders at Makerere University. The workshop held on the 13th June 2024 in the Auditorium at the Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility (CTF 2) was convened […]
Makerere University Literary legends Prof. Arthur Gakwandi and Austin Bukenya have commended government effort in promoting Natural sciences and building the middle class economy with reservations. Whereas promotion of natural sciences is backed by good intentions, the professors contend that downgrading humanities and social sciences will result into a population without human and moral values. They […]
Researchers from Makerere University’s African Research Universities Alliance  Centre of Excellence in Notions of Identity in Africa (ARUA CoE) have found that single motherhood is a phenomenon that has been documented since the colonial era but, it is  increasing in Uganda. Research indicates that neoliberal and capitalist ideals, indigenous and western cultures have exacerbated the […]
Makerere University through the Department of African Languages, School of Languages, Literature and Communication on 21st February 2024 joined the rest of the world to celebrate the International Mother Language Day. This day is observed every year to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The celebrations  started with the official opening of the Sir […]
The Rotary Peace Center at Makerere University on 21st February 2024, hosted the 5th Capstone conference where the 5th Cohort of  peace fellows presented their social change initiative reports. New Peace scholars (cohort 7) were brought on board to  understand the journey of collaboration  and to share a collective commitment to the idea that peace is […]
Makerere University seeks to fill the positions of Principal and Deputy Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS), the Principal College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) and the Deputy Principal of the College of Health Sciences (CHS). The Colleges of Makerere University are semi-autonomous academic units comprising schools, Institutes, departments and […]
During the Mak 74th Graduation ceremony, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) was recognized for outstanding performance. Besides leading in the production of the highest number of Doctoral candidates, CHUSS delivered the overall best humanities student and 85 UPDF officers who graduated with Diplomas and degrees in defence and security studies. The college […]
Researchers from Makerere University College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) led by Prof. Josephine Ahikire – the Principal Investigator have called on government to revise rules pertaining to the acquisition of National Identity Cards (IDs) to address the question of the Aguu floating  population of the Acholi sub- region in Northern Uganda. The Aguus […]
Researchers from Makerere University College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) through its Centre of Excellence in Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL) have conducted research in different aspects of teaching and learning  of Humanities and Social Sciences  at Makerere University. With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in New York, the team is working […]
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