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African universities have been challenged to harness the power of emerging digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform the agricultural sector and mitigate the effects of climate change on the African continent. Agriculture is the major source of livelihood in most African countries yet it is one of those that are most-affected by […]
The Editorial Board, Makerere University Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (MUJAES), College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) is receiving manuscripts for consideration for Volume 13, Issue 1 2024 that will come out in June 2024 and Issue 2 slated for December 2024. Manuscripts should be sent to For details on MUJAES and […]
Makerere University in partnership with Promote Uganda Company Limited (PROUL) is set to establish an agro-processing skilling hub next year to expose students to agricultural machinery. The hub that will be based at Makerere University main campus in Kampala will house agricultural machines that add value to agricultural products. While unveiling the initiative on Thursday, […]
A delegation from China Agricultural University (CAU) led by the President Prof. Sin Qixin on Friday 24th November 2023 visited Makerere University as part of CAU’s mission to broaden international relations. The delegation was received by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration), Prof. Henry Alinaitwe and members of Management. Prof. Alinaitwe welcomed and thanked […]
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Makerere University won a trophy for being among the best exhibitors in the academic institutions category at the 29th Source of the Nile National Agricultural Show held in Jinja from 4th-13th August 2023. The trophies were presented to the winning teams at the closing ceremony presided over […]
The Makerere University Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (MUJAES) started as a Bulletin of Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo (MUARIK) in 1997, with a focus on informing the general public on research progress and outreach of Makerere University. With advances in research and changes in global research terrain, and the need to reach […]
A team of university staff led by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Finance and administration Prof. Henry Alinaitwe were in Kyankwanzi, Wednesday 8th February, 2023 where they held a meeting with the District Leadership on the subject of the 7 square miles of land on Ranch 16, that was allocated by H.E. The President of the […]
The programme titled, “Enhancing the Capacity of Young Scientists to Engage in Agricultural and Food Security Policy Processes in East Africa” seeks to improve connection between science, policy and practice Funder: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Overview Agriculture is a key economic sector in the East African Region and it is an important source of […]
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) undertakes basic, strategic and applied research and development in the broader areas of agriculture, food technology and nutrition, forest management and environment, and natural resources management. In agriculture, research and development programmes have focused on enhancing farmer centred approaches, climate smart agricultural systems, value chain improvement for […]
Smallholder farmers in Uganda and Kenya produce a variety of fruits, traditional and exotic vegetables, spices, and herbs that have unique nutritional, nutraceutical and functional properties. However, the value derived from these crops is limited due to postharvest losses, seasonal production, limited value addition and market access problems. Developing and applying affordable food preservation technologies […]
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