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Kampala, 24 August 2024 – Uganda’s Ministry of Health on Thursday August 22nd launched its Climate Change Health National Adaptation Plan (H-NAP), a comprehensive strategy aimed at bolstering the nation’s health system resilience against the impacts of climate change. Adapting to climate change presents a substantial financial burden, with Africa projected to need up to […]
The Ministry of Health Uganda has recognised 12 outstanding agencies and eight individuals for championing climate change and health resilience in Uganda. They received the 2024 climate and health champions awards. The awards were presented at the launch of the Climate Change Health National Adaptation Plan-H-NAP (2025-2030) to address the significant threat climate change poses […]
Local governments across the country continue to struggle with funding for infrastructure development.  The government of Uganda has been exploring ways to enhance the financial autonomy of local governments, including improving their capacity to borrow responsibly for development projects. This includes capacity-building initiatives and reforms to streamline the borrowing process albeit with little success.  This […]
A team of researchers from Makerere University Centre for Environment for Development Initiative (EfD-Mak  Center) on Friday 3rd May 2024 went to Parliament to share study findings on Uganda’s heavy reliance on fuel wood and charcoal to guide the country and, in particular Members of Parliament in their policy formulation. Research fellows Prof. Edward Bbaale, […]
Environmental Economists from Makerere University and stakeholders in environment and natural resources sectors have expressed the need for Uganda to establish a Green Fund to finance green initiatives. The dons have also proposed and re-echoed known initiatives that require mind-set change and government commitment to infrastructural developments that can reduce environmental pollution. Environmentalists also want […]
Institution: Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) Project Title: Development of a Risk Management Framework at the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa Ltd. Expression of Interest Number: CTCA/EOI/ 2022-002 Background on CTCA The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) was established in July 2011 following a recommendation of the stakeholder meeting that […]
The College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) through the School of Built Environment, Department of Architecture and Physical Planning is going to conduct Executive Certificate of Training Courses in Public Private Partnerships – PPP. This was revealed by the Course Team Leader Arch. Kenneth Ssemwogerere, PhD, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Architecture […]
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