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By Agnes Namaganda Preliminary findings from a study by Child Health and Development Centre (CHDC) -Makerere University have revealed several challenges faced by Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs) with chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. This study is specifically looking at FDPs in northern Uganda. Accessing food, water, medicine, clothing, toilet facilities, privacy and […]
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University led by the Deputy Principal, Prof. Yazidhi Bamutaze, organized and hosted the 2022 Landscape Ecology Summer School, held from 21st to 22nd July, 2022. The summer school was attended by participants from twenty (20) countries including: Uganda, Kenya, Congo – Kinshasa, Ghana, Nigeria, Germany, the US, […]
Globally, economies and societal sectors have been negatively affected by COVID-19 pandemic and its associated containment measures. In Uganda, lockdowns were put in place especially in Kampala as a way of containing spreader events. Makerere University represented by the Urban Action Lab in the Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences, College of Agricultural and […]
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