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On 11th August 2022, the University Administration held an orientation ceremony for PhD Fellows at Makerere (PF@Mak) based on the theme, “Linking Research to Industry for Socio-economic Development of Uganda.” Held in the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, the orientation was graced by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, […]
By Bernard Buteera Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University urged the Graduates of Mastercard Foundation to become good ambassadors of both the University and the Foundation in their Communities. He made the remarks in a speech read for him by Prof. Umar Kakumba, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs, during a colourful […]
On Friday 27th May 2022, The College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) presented students to the Chancellor Makerere University Prof. Ezra Suruma for graduation.  The event which was the 5th and last session of the 72nd Graduation ceremony saw the award of outstanding students who graduated with First Class Honors degrees. The Plagues […]
Here it is at last – the 72nd Doctoral Conferment Ceremony 2022. To the Graduands, Congratulations on your accomplishment. Today’s ceremony is both the destination you have been working toward and the launching pad for your future research careers. I am genuinely proud and delighted to report that you have worked so hard to hone […]
AMPAIRE AnneCareer Stereotypes and Aspiration as Predictors of Students’ Independence in Career Choice at Education Transitional Levels in Uganda Ms. AMPAIRE Anne examined the extent to which career stereotypes and aspirations predict students’ career choice at education transitional levels in Uganda. This was motivated by the continued challenges that impact on students’ independence in career […]
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) has presented the highest number of PhD graduands for the Makerere University 72nd Graduation that started on Monday 23rd to Friday 27th May 2022. Out of the 100 Doctorates across all colleges, CHUSS presented 25 PhDs. This is the second time CHUSS is taking lead in the production […]
LWANYAGA Joseph DdumbaApplication of process technologies for improved salt production from Lake Katwe, Uganda Eng. LWANYAGA Joseph Ddumba designed a process that selectively extracts salt from the brines of Lake Katwe coupled with a techno-economic analysis to foster commercial exploitation of the Salt Lake. Through thermodynamic modelling, the study revealed that the mineral precipitation sequence […]
The best performing students in the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine in the 72nd Graduation are products of Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE). The trio as we gather from their stories are all from humble beginnings and had to endure hardships like lack of school fees, walking long journeys to and from […]
Students from The College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio Security (CoVAB) on Wednesday May 25, 2022 were awarded PhDs, degrees and Diplomas during the third session of the 72nd graduation ceremony held at the freedom square. At the event,three of the best performing students of the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine were recognized and […]
MUKISA K AmbroseRole of blood lead on the anemia status of malaria infected children. Mr. MUKISA K. Ambrose investigated the effect of concomitant exposure to both lead pollution and malaria infection on the anemia status of Uganda’s urban children. The findings show that having both blood lead and malaria infection exacerbates anemia pathogenesis. Their interaction […]
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