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The Makerere University Council 2022 – 2026 was on 18th May 2023 fully constituted as the last four representatives of Senior Administrative Staff, the Convocation and Students were sworn in by Senior Principal Magistrate Grade I, Entebbe, Her Worship Stella Okwong Paculal. The ceremony, held in the Council Room, was attended by the Vice Chairperson […]
The fourth session of the 73rd Graduation Ceremony of Makerere University was dedicated to the Makerere University Business School (MUBS). The Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma in his remarks commended Makerere University for continuing to produce research that is tackling real life problems. Citing his personal experience where he had to flee into exile twice, he […]
The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) presented the best student in the Sciences during the second session of the 72nd graduation ceremony held on 24th May 2022. Mr. Nuwagira Albert scored a CGPA of 4.82 in the Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology. In recognition of his excellent Performance, the Chancellor, […]
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