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By Harriet Musinguzi & Jacinta Nakaye The Roots Africa University Clubs’ exhibition and mentorship engagement was held at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources, and Biosecurity bringing together several stakeholders that held a discourse centered around youth involvement in addressing critical issues such as poverty and hunger. The event which also marked the launch […]
With pleasure I present to you the Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) annual report for the year 2023. This report provides only a snapshot of activities at MakCHS, as we went about executing our mandates of teaching and learning, research, and service delivery throughout 2023. Through our mission to provide transformational education and […]
Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) and the Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JH-IIRU) have launched the status summary report 2023; Road Risk Factors for Kampala, Uganda, in partnership with Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and Vital Strategies. The report was launched at Hotel Africana in Kampala on January 16, 2024. It delineates […]
I am delighted to present to you the School of Law bi-annual report for the first half of 2023. The report provides a highlight of the major activities undertaken and outputs registered during the reporting period. There has been good progress registered towards achieving the School’s mission and strategic objectives. With respect to teaching and […]
The Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Symposium was convened in Kampala, Uganda on March 04, 2023 hosted and organized by Makerere University College of Health Sciences, a member of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) NCD Center of Excellence (COE) that is hosted by University of Nairobi, Kenya. The objective of this Symposium was to provide a […]
The Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC), School of Law (SoL), Makerere University launched its report analysing transparency and accountability concerns over the management and oversight of Covid19 funds in Uganda; the report is a result of a one-year research initiative by the centre. Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa, Deputy Speaker of Parliament of Uganda was […]
Soybean is ranked the most important oil crop in the world, providing the cheapest source of protein for both human food and livestock feeds. The protein content of soybean is the highest among legume crops, averaging 40% on a dry matter basis. Soybean protein is balanced with all the essential amino acids, while the seed […]
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