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Piggery farming in Uganda is on the rise more especially due to the ready market both within and outside the country. Just like any other business, farmers require a lot of input if they are to reap big from the business. Reproductive assistance techniques, such as Artificial Insemination (AI), have proved to be very effective […]
Status of Uganda’s Dairy Production Dairy farming is a major activity in the southwestern, central, and northeastern parts of the country, with the sector contributing significantly to the economic, nutritional, and employment opportunities of the rural communities in those areas. The dairy industry contributes 9% to Agriculture GDP and about 4% of the total GDP. […]
The breeders from USA, Brazil and across Africa, including scientists from CGIAR met at Makerere University on 28th November-1st December 2023 to share experiences, best practices and ideas on collaboration, and to brainstorm on ways of improving productivity. Overview Soybean (Glycine max) serves as one of the most valuable crops in the world, not only […]
By Jacinta Nakaye African Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services and Development (AFRISA) is currently developing a SPEDA validation tool which will be used in the assessment of the Parish Development Model’s functionality. The implement which was launched on 16th May, 2022 in Kaberekeke village in Kachocha parish, Butebo District and Petete Parish in Budaka […]
OPTIBOV: Genetic Characterization of Cattle Populations for Optimal Performance in Africa Eco Systems A large variety of local indigenous and commercial cattle breeds has been produced as a result of domestication and selection. This variety ensures the capability and adaptability of livestock to fulfil its role in food production under different circumstances, now and in […]
A study conducted by researchers from the School of Economics, College of Business and Management Sciences (CoBAMS) has revealed that commercialization of Maize and Cassava is still low in the country. The findings are an outcome of a year-long study on commercialization of Agriculture in Uganda. The research was conducted by Dr. Susan Kavuma and […]
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