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******Food and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FoodLAND) project aims to develop, implement and validate innovative, scalable, and sustainable technologies aimed at supporting the nutrition performance of local food systems in Africa, while strengthening agro-biodiversity and food diversity as well as diversity of healthy diets. Experiences of Nakaseke District farmers Farmers in Nakaseke District are […]
Makerere University through the Department of African Languages, School of Languages, Literature and Communication on 21st February 2024 joined the rest of the world to celebrate the International Mother Language Day. This day is observed every year to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The celebrations  started with the official opening of the Sir […]
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in Leadership and Training: The project funded by Michigan State University’s Alliance for African Partnership (AAP), under the Transforming Institutions Strategic Funding seeks to deepen knowledge and sensitivities on diversity and inclusion at the participating institutions. The Second D&I Workshop Held at Makerere University The Department of Extension and Innovation Studies, […]
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