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The School of Distance and Lifelong Learning, Department of Adult and Community Education, Makerere University, in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder, Norway announces 2 Erasmus+ global mobility Scholarship (5 months) for Master Students of Adult and Community Education for the Autumn semester, tenable at […]
The School of Law presented graduands on the first day of Makerere University’s 72nd Graduation Ceremony held on the 23rd May 2022 at the Freedom Square.  A total of 307 graduands were presented by the School including (1) Doctor of Laws, (18) Master of Laws and (188) Bachelor of Laws. On the same occasion, Ms. […]
Makerere University in collaboration with University of Bergen, Norway; Kyambogo University, Uganda; National Institute of Teacher Education (UNITE); and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences is implementing a Six (6) years NORHED II supported Project titled ‘Capacity Building for Research–Based Teacher Education (CABUTE)’. CABUTE is aimed at enabling Uganda’s successful implementation of the National Teacher […]
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