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The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) undertakes basic, strategic and applied research and development in the broader areas of agriculture, food technology and nutrition, forest management and environment, and natural resources management. In agriculture, research and development programmes have focused on enhancing farmer centred approaches, climate smart agricultural systems, value chain improvement for […]
In Uganda, low-income groups and individuals cannot afford larger and popular types of fish, such as Nile Perch and Tilapia – meaning they miss out on a crucial source of nutrients. The solution? Embracing an overlooked variety that’s little in size but packs a big punch: silver fish, or ‘Mukene’.     This small, finger-sized fish species […]
Native chickens contribute significantly to the well-being of rural farming communities in low-income countries and particularly so in poverty-stricken regions of Mozambique and Uganda by providing protein and micronutrients. The majority of smallholder farmers raise native chickens for food and income as they do not require special management, require low investment, need limited pest control, […]
The InnoFoodAfrica project in full “Locally driven co-development of plant based value chains towards more sustainable African food systems with healthier diets and export potential” is exploring climate-smart African crops (cereal-pulse-root crop-fruit) in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda. In Uganda the project is focusing on banana, millet, cowpeas, and amaranth. The project is developing […]
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