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Value chains

Makerere University has launched a Solar-powered Cooker developed by researchers from the Department of Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering at the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) in collaboration with Intellsys (U) Ltd. The MakSol Cooker was officially unveiled and launched on 14th June 2023 by the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Hon. Dr. […]
By Jacinta Nakaye The Africa Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services and Development (AFRISA) signed a partnership agreement with Scripture Union Uganda (SUU) to join efforts in re-orienting generations into industrial value chain producers. Mr. Felix Okello, the Head of Secretariat signed on behalf of AFRISA, witnessed by the Chairperson for the Department of Corporate […]
On 11th August 2022, the University Administration held an orientation ceremony for PhD Fellows at Makerere (PF@Mak) based on the theme, “Linking Research to Industry for Socio-economic Development of Uganda.” Held in the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) Conference Hall, the orientation was graced by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, […]
By Jacinta Nakaye African Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services and Development (AFRISA) is currently developing a SPEDA validation tool which will be used in the assessment of the Parish Development Model’s functionality. The implement which was launched on 16th May, 2022 in Kaberekeke village in Kachocha parish, Butebo District and Petete Parish in Budaka […]
By Jacinta Nakaye In Uganda, subsistence agricultural production is reported to be an ultimate contributor to household poverty, which is regarded as a setback to Uganda’s economic development. This challenge ignited the need for farmers’ mindset shift from being micro farm producers to industrial farm producers. However, this should be accompanied by building farmers’ capacities […]
Commercialization of New Sorghum and Millet Products for Improved Nutrition and Socio-Economic Gains in Eastern Africa (CONSORMIP)  Sorghum and millet are key crops in Uganda’s agricultural food systems and directly and indirectly support over 10 million livelihoods in the country.  The two crops are tolerant to arid and dry environments. They are highly nutritious, not […]
Makerere University College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), represented by Dr. Richard Miiro, from the Department of Extension and Innovation Studies on 6th April 2022 commissioned an Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) Puree Processing Unit at Lishe Products Limited in Kasangati, Wakiso District. With support from BioInnovate Africa Programme Phase II Initiative, the College […]
The InnoFoodAfrica project in full “Locally driven co-development of plant based value chains towards more sustainable African food systems with healthier diets and export potential” is exploring climate-smart African crops (cereal-pulse-root crop-fruit) in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda. In Uganda the project is focusing on banana, millet, cowpeas, and amaranth. The project is developing […]
The NAPIANA-2022 Symposium under the theme: “Reinforcing the Roots of Natural Products Value Chains through Transdisciplinarity for Sustainable Societal Transformation” was held on 17th January 2022 at Makerere University. The main activity at this blended (physical and virtual) symposium held at the College of Computing and Information Sciences Conference Hall was the establishment of the […]
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